Eye Allergies in San Antonio, TX

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About Eye Allergies

Around 50 million U.S. adults and children experience seasonal allergies (commonly known as hay fever) and develop disruptive, unpleasant symptoms. Sneezing, congestion, and stuffy noses are common allergy symptoms, but you may also suffer from inflamed, watery, irritated, or puffy eyes. When allergic reactions affect your eyes, the result is allergic conjunctivitis or eye allergies. The discomfort caused by eye allergies can range from mild to severe, but they generally have simple treatments. Fortunately, there aren’t any unusual causes for eye allergies. Eye allergies are your eyes defending themselves against things, like tree pollen, mildew, dust mites, pet dander, certain chemicals, tobacco smoke, and beauty products. At her eye care center in San Antonio, TX, Dr. Kristin Held has extensive experience managing eye allergies and reducing their associated symptoms. Please call Eye Surgeon Direct to find out more or set up your eye exam.

What should I expect with eye allergy treatments?

Along with sneezing, sniffling, and a stuffy nose, most patients who have hay fever also experience discomfort in their eyes. These issues often create an extreme need to rub or scratch the eyes, but this will only make the symptoms worse. The most obvious symptoms of eye allergies are:

  • Weepiness
  • Itchiness
  • Puffiness
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Stinging
  • Light sensitivity
  • Achiness

While eye allergies are mostly nothing to worry about, their symptoms sometimes match those of other types of conditions. Dr. Held will complete a comprehensive eye exam, discuss any past conditions, diagnose the underlying condition, or recommend an allergy specialist to determine your triggers. As is the case with any allergy, the best way to prevent eye allergies is to avoid the allergen, but often, they are unavoidable. We may recommend disposable daily contacts, over-the-counter eye drops, or prescription eye drops to reduce discomfort.

Receive Eye Allergy Relief

In general, eye allergies can cause painful and annoying symptoms; luckily, patients have many treatment options. Dr. Kristin Held works with her San Antonio, TX patients on a case-by-case basis to ensure they receive the best, personalized treatment options. Please contact Eye Surgeon Direct if you experience symptoms of eye allergies, and plan your eye exam.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.
